Vibrate the Cosmos: A Series
Want to le
arn to vibrate with the cosmos?
In this series we are going to graduate from a superficial relationship with Astrology, one that can often feel stereotypical and far-fetched, to paying attention to the patterns dictated by the celestial activity of our solar system and how understanding this wisdom can be used to up-level every aspect of your existence.
We will demystify the magic of using a co-creative intention when approaching the cosmic forces.
The energy of the cosmos created you and every single thing on this planet.
It’s cycles are brilliant and productive; every rotation, aspect, and position of the stars has meaning and purpose. Looking at the symbiotic relationship between what’s happening in your life and the movement in the sky will leave you feeling empowered by the massive amounts of energy directed at your success and evolution.
“Astrology is a language, art, and science that studies the relationship between the cycles of the celestial bodies and the affairs of people on earth.”
The oldest science in the world, Astrology provides enormous value in its teachings.
Many legendary scientists and philosophers were astrologers, including Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, ad Sir Isaac Newton.
They considered it to be the science of the soul.
The 12 signs of the zodiac are the foundational components of astrology.
On an energetic level, these signs represent the formative patterns of the universe, the archetypes of human nature, and give us insight on how the energy will manifest.
Curious about what the “zodiac” is?
Before looking into the signs, let’s lay some contextual background.
An oblong circle spanning the sky, the zodiac, extends 8 degrees above and below the ecliptic, the Sun’s path (from our perspective on Earth).
Orbits of all the planets in our solar system, with the exception of Pluto, are contained in this circular configuration around the sun.
The zodiac also encompasses every star visible from Earth.
Demanding the attention of people in ancient times, the brightest stars stood out as animal drawings in the sky. These constellations are the origin of the signs of the zodiac, a “circle of animals” according to Greek mythology.
Based on these constellations, ancient astrologers assigned the names and corresponding animals or figures for each sign, as well as their stories born from mythical origins.
So how can Astrology serve you?
Having an awareness of what is happening in the sky prepares your consciousness to show up for the creation of your reality.
By gaining this big picture viewpoint, you can increase your intuitive intelligence and utilize cosmic instruction. Unlock your potential and propel your life forward.
This gives you an enormous advantage.
Instead of feeling like you are a tiny pupil encountering the tsunami of energetic changes, you can move with the cosmos, fluidly using its power to construct your life.
Best of all, it becomes exciting.
Ecstatic, elastic, evolving.
Soul food at its finest.
In this series, we will start honoring the astrological forces by learning more about the 12 signs of the zodiac.
As I see them, the seasons of the zodiac.
Just like the weather, you can experience how these energies form seasons and flow together to build not only the constructs of our daily life but the patterns of our entire year.
Becoming acquainted with the energy governing the sky gives you the opportunity to detect its force in your life.
You will begin to recognize the cosmic forces informing the themes in your schedule, your conscious upgrades, and the lives of your loved ones.
Investigate what the energy has to offer, and use it to unlock your greatest gifts.
The more I learn about Astrology, the more sensitive I am to its subtle yet enormous power.
I no longer feel like I’m blindly navigating the vast and ruthless wild-west earth plane, stumbling through darkness and waiting out dust storms beneath a blanket of ignorance.
I have a guide, something with greater wisdom, multi and inner-dimensional awareness, that is providing me with a curriculum. An advanced direction, a protective force, a school for my expansion, should I choose to enroll.
Also, the more I learn, the more my study diverges into the many correlating sciences that further delineate the study of Astrology as it relates to almost every aspect of life on Earth.
It’s incredibly fascinating, albeit a tad overwhelming.
No rush though, a lifetime of rabbit holes to explore.
Borrowing tidbits from a handful of these fields of study we will determine how to make the most of the season’s energy: a practical approach to embodying their zodiacal gifts.
“What seems to be most helpful in astrological interpretation, is finding where various spiritual, philosophical, and scientific outlooks converge. This is where we find universal truth.”
The Archetypal Energies
First, we’ll lay the foundation by getting to know the inherent characteristics of the sign, looking at its archetype.
By exploring the zodiac’s energetic blueprint we can understand its foundational themes orchestrating our reality.
Moon Cycle & The Polarity Balance
Next, we’ll look into the dynamism of the moon cycle.
Every astrological season has its moon cycle.
In this series, we will briefly explore the waters of this topic by touching on the new moon and full moon contained in each cycle of the moon. When considering these powerful energy days within the season, pertinent information is gained by understanding the polarity at play.
The new moon occurs when the sun and moon are together in the same degree and sign.
The full moon will always be in its equal and opposite energy across the zodiac wheel.
Therefore, during any zodiac signs tour de sun you also have a massive opportunity to bring yourself into balance by having access to its opposite energy.
A powerful perspective for allowing for more self-acceptance, fueling our ability to walk our dharmic path.
Body Correlation
According to Medical Astrology (nerd fact: called iatromathematics in Ancient Greece), each zodiac sign influences certain parts of the body and therefore has associated functions and diseases.
The correspondences between the human and the universe provide a direct energy map, described by Plato as the “microcosm/macrocosm”.
We can use the season of the zodiac to tend to and nurture the parts of our body pulsing with the highlighted information from the cosmos.
Think of it as preventive maintenance.
The sheer magic of a simple herb is dumbfounding.
Herbs hold the golden key to alchemical mastery. Their power cannot be underestimated. Combine that with astrology and you are weaving a divine tapestry.
Astro-herbalism is a complex study enriched with nuance.
The celestial bodies propagate every living thing on earth. The formation of plants is not only informed by the astrological grids, the herbs specific properties can be enhanced during different stellar configurations.
Catching a pragmatic angle, in this series we’ll highlight a major herb or two that can be used to accentuate the prominent energy of the zodiacs’ season enhancing and invigorating our health.
Crystals are so much more than just something beautiful to observe, however that too (squeal).
Simply being in their presence is so enchanting.
The glistening geometric structure of a gemstone is created from the same celestial information informing our biological construction and that of everything around us. The look of an earthly object gives you insight on what its purpose is.
Catching a theme here?
It is known as the Doctrine of Signatures: the act of recognizing the effects of a planetary force in the objects surrounding us (gemstones, plants, etc).
This principle suggests that the Earth wants to inform us of the specific benefits of an object by highlighting those with external properties (so we don’t miss it).
All we need to do is to intentionally receive this exquisite language of nature.
Crystals, or gemstones, are powerful 3D conduits of celestial energy and have strong correlations with each of the zodiac signs.
Being the powerful amplifiers that they are, crystals are incredible tools for directing the energy of the zodiac season.
As, the saying goes, Vibrate the cosmos and the cosmos will vibrate you.
Tune in as we go and get ready to learn how to utilize the cosmic force running through you.
Revitalize your spirit with the currents of each season of the zodiac.
Embrace the planetary directory and you will hop on the fast track to unlocking your greatest potential.
This series is intended to give you a source of inspiration on how the energies in the sky are working for you and how you can co-create with these omnipotent universal forces.
Astrology on a practical level
As you absorb the basic character profile of each zodiac sign and season, you will build a foundation to dive deeper into the magical world of Astrology and best of all your cosmic makeup.
A powerful tool for transformation that gives you more and more to work with each time you learn to feel its presence in your life, and the lives of everyone around you.
What are your favorite ways to embrace the zodiac season energy?
Leave a comment below
Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional and this blog post should not substitute for professional medical advice. When deciding to put any herb or medicine in your body it should be a personal decision informed by your research, medical advice you trust, and your body’s intuition.
A student of astrology, the yogic sciences, herbalism, and human life on planet earth, I gather my information from a variety of sources. The biggest being what I’m traversing personally, and downloading in my intuitive personal connection to source. I do have many professional influences as well. I will list the astrologers, herbalists, books, and any other pertinent sources below:
Juliana McCarthy, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology
Tashi Powers, Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology
RAMA Yoga Institute, Astrology with Guru Jagat, Teg Prekash, and many other teachers
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Kelly Johns
Writer + Artist + Yogi on a mission to inspire & uplift.