Welcome to Capricorn Season
Capricorn Season is here!
This article is the first in the series: Vibrate the Cosmos, where we’ll dive into the archetypal energies of each of the 12 zodiac signs and learn how to make the most out of their tour de sun.
Want the primer? Read the introduction to the series.
Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac, the goat, and the sign dominating the sun during what we have come to know as the beginning of our calendar year.
Official Season: December 22 - January 19
“I Utilize”
The Archetypal Energies
The archetype of the Capricorn zodiac is about true value and self-mastery.
Activating this energy prioritizes what your true values are and how you are expressing them in your everyday life.
Morality aside, this is about being available for something bigger than yourself.
How can we manifest a life that reflects what we value?
How do we show up, putting one foot in front of the other, to build this for ourselves and contribute to creating a society of sovereign beings?
Big question. Deep question.
One that when the answer is unearthed from within provides the grounding for a sturdy foundation, in which the rest of the year will be built and on top of.
The energy is there to move things forward and make them real.
The sun moving into Capricorn emphasizes practical matters. This powerful Earth energy gives us the patience and long-range focus we need to achieve them.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the father energy.
His ruling asks us to take responsibility for our lives.
By looking at what we are outsourcing we can reclaim it and restore our sense of empowerment over our lives.
Where are we expecting an external source to be in charge of our outcome?
While the sun is in Capricorn we have the opportunity to develop this positive father energy.
This looks like taking care of our own lives and our purpose.
Anchoring this energy gives us a container of discipline to give our gifts to the world. It brings steady functionality so we can follow our intuition, get to work, and be happy.
The goat does not fear the mountain.
It knows that anything is attainable with consistent goal-directed efforts.
It does not shy away from the looming mountain ahead, it knows where it is going and it begins right away.
Time is of the essence and each moment is an opportunity to move forward.
Saturn is a containing and purifying energy.
This is a time to deal with your reality, full-frontal.
Take inventory and admit what’s not working.
Capricorn energy creates some space, and detachment from your emotional body. A valuable perspective for radical honesty.
There is a direct relationship between our fatigue, confusion, disillusionment, and the space where we are turning away from the things we need to deal with. Facing whatever is in front of us, no matter how painful will boost our vitality because we are stopping the energy leak. We are choosing to add energy to our systems by responding to our reality and creating.
The archetype of Capricorn is cool, calm, collected, stable, and masterful.
This gives us the strength to gather authority over our sensitivities and create boundaries that will catapult our goals forward.
Taking things seriously requires respect.
Capricorn is a cardinal sign - and cardinal signs BEGIN.
They are responsible for the change in season.
Capricorn brings us winter and a season of less distraction. Opening up the new calendar year, a potent portal for aligning with new potentials and new pathways to follow.
Stabilizing the essence of earth, we can now understand the lessons we’ve learned.
An integrating breath gives us the strength and encouragement to adapt and adjust to what is coming next.
Capricorn energy arms us with diligence to stay the course when embarking on the new direction.
Figure out what you’ve accomplished and what you built so you can move forward. There is no chance of stagnation if the light of Capricorn is embraced.
Your soul is constantly seeking movement and evolution.
By setting intentions your foundation is created.
The energy is there for you to use what you’ve decided to become as a guiding force.
A powerful expression of Capricorn is when things come up that are out of your control, you don’t give up. You stay the course, you persevere, because you know this is what you want to experience and where you want to go.
That directional energy gives you strong mental fortitude to continue despite unfavorable conditions.
Tap into it.
Moon Cycle & the polarity balance
Not only will Cap season bring us a new beginning (new moon) in its sign, there will be a wrapping up (full moon) in the sign of Cancer.
This juxtaposition brings balance to your system if allowed, by exercising the polarity aspects of the opposing signs.
New moon energy: Ready to go!
Now the new moon in Capricorn will dial you in.
Drop the dreamer disease lever and let practical Patty take the podium. Investigate your goals with a fine-tooth comb, removing inconsistencies and lofty “what-ifs”. Think of it as installing your iron gate, the one that keeps everything else out.
This is a blinder-off type of realism to sure up your chances of success.
Full moon energy: Exhale and Release
You did it (hopefully).
You have a plan (with contingency clauses and an over-run budget).
You’ve been putting in the work, learning, adapting, and staying level-headed about it. You know where you are going.
The Cancer full moon will now hold you.
Take a calculated rest. Care for yourself when you get tired. Express vulnerability and soften into your path, releasing the limiting mindsets that may have been realized upon stating your quest.
Give yourself the downtime to recharge and you’ll be better able to keep up with your Capricorn goals.
Body Correlation
Just as the Saturnian ruled earth sign gives structure to your biggest goals, Capricorn is associated with the main structural systems in your body.
This means your bones, teeth, joints, hair, and skin. All the things holding the other things in place.
Isn’t the cosmic poetry so enchanting?
Time to check in on those nuts and bolts and make sure our body is feeling strong.
What are you doing to care for these body parts on a daily basis?
One of my favorite ways to care for the skeletal system is weight-bearing exercise.
It’s such a basic solution its often overlooked.
At the core of every health regime that provides lasting results is a foundation in moving your body against the weight of gravity.
Any exercise that places force on your bones will strengthen them. To further increase the impact move from the gentle end of the spectrum (walking) to the more intense end (weight training and jumping).
Connect with the earth, make an impact with the ground, regularly, and you will be remodeling your bone density as you go.
Use the Capricorn energy as a loving reminder: use it or lose it.
The bones need a regenerative regime to keep renewing their cells and weight-bearing exercise provides that stress load that the bones need to stimulate mineral uptake.
There are many herbs associated with Cap season, but we’ll go over two personal favorites and most importantly easy to come by.
First we have: Thyme
Grab it at the farmers market or the local grocery store, or perhaps you harvested some from your garden.
The aroma of thyme brings clarity and rejuvenation.
Simply steeping it in some water and letting the steam cleanse the air in your home is incredibly beneficial.
On a medicinal level, thyme is believed to contain powerful antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Being one of the best cures for infections (especially teeth!) and a soothing remedy for sore muscles and joints.
Next up: Arnica
Having Arnica on hand in my medicine cabinet has been an absolute godsend.
This gentle but effective herb provides near-instant relief for any pain associated with swelling. Sore from your weight-bearing exercise - works. Pain after childbirth - works.
Balm to a Mama’s heart when the gel form can take the bruise out of a toddler’s shiny goose egg within hours.
These Saturnian ruled plants provide a cooling effect.
Sturdy, thriving in even the hardest conditions. They will bring that hardiness and healing to your body.
Enter the shimmer.
Under the Capricorn sun is a terrific time to invite the energy of the Saturn-ruled solar gemstone Lapis Lazuli into your space.
This stone of the sky will greatly improve your quality of life.
Majestically boasting its ultramarine blue color with tiny rivers of white calcite and specks of gold pyrite running across its smooth exterior, it is easy to deduce that this stone has magical powers.
The metamorphic rock is said to forge the heart and the mind creating great harmony between them. With a connected heart and mind, self-mastery is possible.
It will boost your self-awareness and reduce negative feelings while dialing up your creativity. The gemstone holds the power to attract propensity and success while expanding the human outlook.
Capricorn season is a heavy hitter.
A chance to get your proverbial ducks in a row to build a foundation that matches your true values.
It sets you up with everything you need within to march forward knowing exactly where you are going, why, and how you will accomplish your heart’s desires.
Key Takeaways to UTILIZE the Sun in Capricorn (see what I did there?):
Journal Prompt:
Under the Capricorn sky, we have all the power behind us to go for it, to create the life we truly desire, with discipline and undeniable mental fortitude. We also have the opportunity to get crystal clear on why we want to achieve our goals.
Write this question down and let the answer flow forth:
List your top three goals that you want to achieve this year.
What is your personal value guiding each of the goals?
Do they truly resonate and is it a strong enough value to keep you pushing ahead until these goals are just commonplace in the next version of your life?
If the value doesn’t move you, the goal might fade. This is your chance to sure those up.
Excited for the journey?
What Capricorn themes are coming up for you right now? Leave a comment below.
Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional and nothing in this blog post should substitute for medical advice. When deciding to put any herb or medicine in your body it should be a personal decision informed by your research, medical advice you trust, and your body’s intuition.
A student of astrology, the yogic sciences, herbalism, and human life on planet earth, I gather my information from a variety of sources. The biggest being what I’m traversing personally, and downloading in my intuitive personal connection to source. I do have many professional influences as well. I will list the astrologers, herbalists, books, and any other pertinent sources below:
Juliana McCarthy, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology
Tashi Powers, Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology
RAMA Yoga Institute, Astrology with Guru Jagat, Teg Prekash, and many other teachers
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Kelly Johns
Writer + Artist + Yogi on a mission to inspire & uplift.