Welcome to Pisces Season

PISCES SEASON Collection painting on wood background.


Dropping very soon. Here’s a sneak peak!


Pisces Season is here!

This article is the first in the series: Vibrate the Cosmos, where we’ll dive into the archetypal energies of each of the 12 zodiac signs and learn how to make the most out of their tour de sun.

Want the primer? Read the introduction to the series.

Pisces the 12th sign of the zodiac, the fish, and the sign that helps us open to the vastness of our own energy fields to gain insight into our intuitive clarity.

Official Season: February 19 - March 20

Elements of the Pisces Zodiac Sign

The Archetypal Energies

Pisces season is such a beautiful orchestration of all the powers of the universe coming together for a grand completion.

A sweet elevation before the next cycle.

As the very last sign in the zodiac wheel, when we enter Pisces season, we do so with all the knowledge, lessons, triumphs, and personal evolution we’ve achieved from going through all the zodiac seasons prior. It makes you curious why we don’t align the calendar year with the calendar of the cosmos? 

This mystical sign brings our awareness to our connection to all that is.

Dissolving the barriers between the physical world and the ethereal plane, the gift of Pisces season is the undeniable feeling that you are so much more than your Earthly human body. Our energy fields are boundless, formless, and unlimited in our creative potential. Every cell in our body is a manifested form of universal vibration, the energy that creates worlds is you.

All previous versions of ourselves are up for graduation, we now will transcend them with the help of Pisces’ healing energy.

Aquarius season revealed to us where we could break free from stagnant thinking and bring our unique creative genius to the world.

Armed with that intel we can dive deep into the core of those limits and release them.  

PISCES SEASON: A Collection; images of the collection.

Let’s embark on the energy of Pisces Season together. Start here:

Imagine you are on the ocean floor, what feels like thousands of miles below the surface.

All you see is water, so far down.

It’s dark and cold.

There are metal chains on your wrists and ankles holding you there, impossibly buried in the porous sand below your feet.

You know the surface exists and everything in your body begs you to break free and begin to swim.

Yet all you can think of are the reasons why you can’t. How would you get out of the chains? And even if you do how will you be able to swim all the way to the surface? If you did then where would you go? What would you eat? What’s up there? Maybe it’s worse than being down here? 

Then one day you relax into the world beyond your body, beyond the chains, beyond the ocean and the surface.

You connect to the universe and the limitless of your creative potential.

When you feel the expansive power that surrounds you, that is you, you see how you’ve been holding so much fear, disappointment, self-pity, guilt, and even shame in your body and your whole auric field.

Those dense, dark energy currents become so obvious in the stark contrast to this electric, illuminating, magical sense of wonder that is so available to you if you can just tune in - and notice it.

Those lower frequency vibrations have disconnected you from this truth, your true essence, often across lifetimes.

Held down at the bottom of the Piscean Sea by the ego chains of disillusionment. Break free by connecting to all that is.

You begin to piece together how every experience has led you to exactly where you are in this moment and from that spiritual vantage point, every lesson now feels clear.

And as you find this perspective, you feel an unraveling.

As you look down, the chains around your extremities are getting weaker. You feel empowered. You continue to soften these disillusions of the ego.

You know you are worthy of your soul desires, and you decide to reclaim your energy. 

Your head falls back with surrender as you feel deeply in your heart the totality of your being; your experience is completely your responsibility.

You are in charge, you are the deliberate creator of your own reality.

No one can chain you down, but yourself. Through past trials and tribulations you have done your best, and going forward you continue to show up on this planet every day breathing and taking another go of things. That is enough, not only is it enough, it is the goal.

To live the human experience is to do just that experience. 

Owning your experience gives you the authority to transcend these lower frequencies. As you forgive yourself, you are filled with compassion for others, and your forgiveness extends their way.

Embrace the lessons of Pisces season and release ego attachments. Then just float.

All of a sudden you realize you are starting to float.

The chains have dissolved around you into particles of dust.

Free from the density of these emotional blocks you begin to imagine the life available to you, the one you’ve always felt pinched off from. 

This excites you.

You feel the massive space created in your auric field. You are now open to new adventures. 

So where will you go?

Where will this freedom take you?

How will you use it to live the most amplified version of yourself?

As you float free you begin to get quiet. You tune in to all the subtle feeling sensations all around you and you allow your body to intuit and calculate these directions from your true essence, your soul frequency. Revealing to you where your energy needs to go next.

Drenched in the healing waters of Pisces meditation and visualization are very heightened and productive now. Be lucid in your dreams. See the messages coming to you and lean into them

Trust the feeling of the path forward.

As your intuition illuminates the next right step, follow it with fervor

Your intuition is your personal guide. It wants to keep you safe. The more you can open up to its guidance, the more proof in the pudding you will have to validate its divine wisdom.

Even when you want to calculate, qualify, quantify, and reason before you trust, don’t. These limitations of the ego have been uncaged

Relish in the freedom you now have to ride the exciting waves of serendipity

Ride the waves of serendipity as you release yourself from the cage of the ego during Pisces season.

As Mandev Khalsa (Kundalini Teacher & Award-Winning Film Maker) described it…

- the Universe will always work in its own self-interest, and you are the universe. 

So it’s got you!

You are not separate from this all-wielding omnipotent force. It is you and it wants to provide for you (itself).

Marvel in the way your life will unfold when you get out of the way and begin to take pleasure in the process of intentionally aligning with all that you desire.

Under the energy of Neptune, reconnect with that sense of wonder, the ability to dream and visualize your desires. So when your dreams begin to manifest here on the earth plane, even if you don’t know the how, you will recognize the way forward by the familiar feeling of it. You will connect to the visceral feeling of your dreams vibrational frequency.

As you get the impulse you begin to swim.

It feels effortless as you swim with the current.

You are enjoying the feeling of your body flowing and moving

You don’t know when you will make it to the surface, what shore you will land upon, or what you will meet as you walk into the next phase of your journey. But you feel assured knowing that you have this new vision of yourself and your connection to all that is to guide you as you initiate this next phase of yourself in Aires season.

Moon cycle of Pisces season: New Moon in Pisces, Full Moon in Virgo.

Moon Cycle  & the polarity balance

Pisces season brings us a beautiful new beginning (new moon) in its sign. There will also be a releasing (full moon) in the sign of Virgo.

This juxtaposition brings balance to your system if allowed, by exercising the polarity aspects of the opposing signs.

New moon energy: Find the Things You Don’t Need

The new moon in Pisces will give you the opportunity to see beneath the things you need to heal.

The whispers of your liberated soul essence are calling you forward. 

Pisces is the completion, an ending of the circuit. We can allow ourselves to let go of the things not aligning with where we are going. Give yourself permission to put down the things that are taking energy from you.

Rise above the hustle-bustle of everyday life by taking the spiritual vantage point. 

Stop and listen. Be very receptive. Practice figuring out how you receive your intuitive messages best and then take them seriously. These are your porch lights illuminating which doors to open.

Full moon energy:  Consider the Details

Our dreams demand details to become a reality.

The Virgo full moon asks us to let go of judging where we are now, and stop comparing it to where we are going. That perspective will only slow down this incredible portal of manifestation. 

Instead, we can focus on how we are moving our dreams into reality through our daily efforts. With the grounding energy from the moon in Virgo reflecting our Pisces dreams the opportunity is for wish fulfillment is at an ultimate high.

Possibility and potential can be transformed now into actual achievement very quickly when you anchor the daily details in alignment with your biggest dreams

Such an exciting time! Can’t wait to see what everyone is up to.

Pisces Season themes and helpful hints

Body Correlation 

As Pisces governs our Lymphatic System, the cleansing waters of our body come into focus. 

The Lymphatic System is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins. By transporting lymph, an infection-fighting fluid, throughout the body the Lymphatic system is a key component in our overall immune function.

Also responsible for maintaining a fluid balance in our bodies, the lymphatic system collects excess fluid and particulate matter from our tissues and then deposits them in the bloodstream.

The lymphatic system, unlike the circulatory system, is an open loop. This means that lymph flows in only one direction — upward toward the neck.

What does that mean for you?

It means that moving your muscles and breathing squeezes the lymph vessels and that supports the transport of the lymph fluid back into the circuit.

You are a required participant in the success of your lymphatic system working properly to be able to keep clearing those toxins and prevent blockages from forming.

Sounds a lot like our Pisces instructions!

Proper care of the lymphatic system involves keeping that fluid flowing.

One profound way to do this is to just walk.

When you go for a walk your legs, especially the calf muscles, will act as a natural pump that moves the lymph fluid throughout your body.

The double brilliance of adding a simple commitment to get outside and walk, shoot for 45 minutes to an hour, is that walking (especially in nature) is one of the best ways to connect with your intuitive messages.

As you gently move your body it becomes very receptive to a meditative state

It is also important to keep the body well hydrated to have optimal levels of fluid for the lymphatic system to move. Cellular dehydration is very common and can be attributed to many of the body’s systems going off-kilter.

An interesting perspective is offered by Dr. James DiNicolantonio in his fascinating book: WIN: Peak Athletic Performance, Optimize Recovery and Become a Champion. He does a real deep dive into the topic of restoring cellular hydration by recovering lost sodium and other essential electrolytes by adding them back into your water.  

Electrolytes, mainly sodium, are what control water movement in the body and ensure good hydration.
— Dr. James DiNicolantonio

I’ve been throwing Nuun tabs in my water for years now, but apparently, they don’t contain nearly enough sodium to achieve the cellular hydration Dr. DiNicolantonio recommends in his book.

On the lookout for more of these foundational electrolytes I found LMNT Elemental Labs, a company whose tag line for their electrolyte powder is “Stay Salty”.

Their electrolyte powder hosts 1000 mg of sodium per serving and clean ingredients. So far it’s terrific.

Let’s keep those internal waters of the Lymphatic system flowing, performing the powerful work of cleansing and renewing our body.

Herbs of Pisces Season: these sea plants provide essential vitamins and minerals while helping detoxify the body.


The plants associated with Pisces are ones that live in the sea. These cleansing plants have a big job, working to keep the water clean and providing an incredibly nutrient-dense source of food to the creatures of the deep.

And they do exactly the same thing for us.

First we have: Chlorophyll

Packed with antioxidants, Chlorophyll is a powerful source of vitamins A, C, E, and K. It is also a rich source of minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium

Taking Chlorophyll will increase the flow of oxygen in your body, cleansing toxins and preventing the absorption of harmful pollutants. It also will improve respiratory function and soothe inflammation which increases your healing capacity.

This incredible plant is widely available in supplement form, liquid, capsule, and powder form. I personally have had positive results with the NOW brand

In fact, as I write this, I’m curious if a daily Chlorophyll supplementation would outweigh the performance of a multi-vitamin? (Bio-hacking experiment - yes, please.)

Next Up: Bladderwrack 

Bladderwrack is a form of kelp that has been used medicinally for centuries. It helps the body absorb nutrients and expel toxins

This herb will cleanse the kidneys, clear lymph congestion, and treat bacterial and fungal infection. A powerful ally in detoxifying the tissues of our bodies, Bladderwrack also stimulates the adrenal gland function and boosts recovery from long-term illnesses.

So how do you take Bladderwrack? 

A tonic form will target metabolic function.

As a topical application, the skin will be enhanced.

In the bath (my favorite solution to every ailment) the breakdown of cellulite and inflammation will be supported.


According to the ancient tales, Aquamarine was the treasure of mermaids and brought good luck, fearlessness, and protection to sailors. The name comes from the Latin phrase aqua marinus, which means “water of the sea,” revering its sparkling ocean-like color. 

Oh, Aquamarine. There is a feeling of relaxation that washes over just thinking about the name of this Piscean stone.

Imbuing the power of tolerance, Aquamarine is a powerful ally for the extreme sensitivity felt during Pisces season. This stone reduces stress by quieting the mind, and providing support when feeling overwhelmed by responsibility

Holding Aquamarine or keeping it near you will offer clarity to your perception. It will clear confusion and offer closure to things ready to be let go. 

This dreamy bluish-green crystal promotes your self-expression.

The dreamy bluish-green gemstone, Aquamarine, promotes your self-expression.

Pisces season holds the power to heal us on the deepest levels.

Visiting the mystical realms of our deeper connection to all that is reminds us of who we are at our core. It restores our faith in the journey.

The human experience is layered with polarizing forces, the dance of duality.

This is the realm of maximum soul growth. However, that can be exhausting at times, and honoring that space is the key to rejuvenation. As the ego pushes forward forcefully, the soul quietly whispers.

Unbound freedom lies in the following of those graceful quips from your intuition.

Key Takeaways to IMAGINE with the Sun in PISCES:

Key Takeaways to utilize the energy of Pisces Season.

Journal Prompt:

Pisces season is a tender one. Touching the places of darkness that have been desperately held onto by your ego for as long as you can remember is a sensitive situation.

Caring for a tender heart requires kindness.

Doesn’t bliss sound like the way to treat your soul with kindness? 

Joseph Campbell says to follow your bliss and it will lead you to everything you desire. Perhaps that bliss includes a heart healed from the weary journey, ready to emerge renewed.

Write these questions down and let the answers flow:

What brings you bliss? Can you prioritize that today even for a few moments? And maybe tomorrow, how could you build on that a bit more? 

Excited for the journey? 


What Piscean themes are coming up for you right now? Leave a comment below.

Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional and nothing in this blog post should substitute for medical advice. When deciding to put any herb or medicine in your body it should be a personal decision informed by your research, medical advice you trust, and your body’s intuition.

A student of astrology, the yogic sciences, herbalism, and human life on planet earth, I gather my information from a variety of sources. The biggest being what I’m traversing personally, and downloading in my intuitive personal connection to source. I do have many professional influences as well. I will list the astrologers, herbalists, books, and any other pertinent sources below:


Some of the links in the blog post & Sources list above are affiliate links, which means if you click and make a purchase TERRA ETHOS will receive a small commission.


Kelly Johns

Writer + Artist + Yogi on a mission to inspire & uplift.

I’m thrilled to be on this journey with all of you beautiful creators.


Welcome to Aries Season


Welcome to Aquarius Season