Welcome to Aries Season
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Aries Season is here!
This article is the fourth in the series: Vibrate the Cosmos, where we’ll dive into the archetypal energies of each of the 12 zodiac signs and learn how to make the most out of their tour de sun.
Want the primer? Read the introduction to the series.
The 1st sign of the zodiac, the ram, and the sign that forges ahead confidently plowing the path for our new beginnings.
Official Season: March 21 - April 19
The Archetypal Energies
Aries season is here and the excitement is palpable.
We’ve worked hard for a new beginning and with the help of the initiating force of Aries we will usher it in with grand enthusiasm.
We’re ready, and even if we’re not quite there yet, the dynamic forward motion of Aries will help us get there. If there’s one overarching quality of the Aries zodiac it’s that it doesn’t wait, in fact nothing could be more dreadful to the Ram.
The Arian in us all gets its strength from our masculine energy.
This cardinal sign adores the feeling of a beginning, ripe with potential.
So much so that fear and doubt, may co-exist, but have no footing in the direction we are heading. They get picked up out of our path and put in a backpack, where we have the choice to deal with them later if and when it seems to be of any use.
The mission is the goal, the guiding light forward.
When we are in motion we can deal with whatever comes our way, we have the capacity to figure it out. It’s only when we stop that we are vulnerable to the sinkhole of defeat.
Under the Aries sun this won’t be allowable. You have access now to the energy of the greatest warrior of all time, driven by the will of existence itself.
Aries season brings us a fresh start.
We’ve planted the seeds and traversed to the deepest realms of our beings.
We have passed all the tests and learned all the lessons (for this round).
In Pisces season, we were then given the opportunity to heal from the journey, to imagine our new beginnings without the weight of our wounds. We rested (hopefully!) and trusted that our next journey would begin, deliciously.
The warm air ushers in excitement.
We see the signs of spring popping through the bleak neutrality. Electric green bursts through the decomposition of old, inspiring action in us all.
The time is now to go, to embrace the movement.
Time to commit to the vision and let all else fall away.
Imbuing childlike confidence, Aries will support the cultivation of a reality built on true desire. Impulses strong and loud, a guiding force that rarely rests.
What could be more exciting than following the callings of your creative potential and actually having the energy to keep up with them?
This is the magic of Aries season.
Your direct line to creation energy itself, being birthed through you.
A time to allow that, to tap into your mission, and jump into inspired action. This is about you, it is deeply personal.
There will be time to involve others, but for now, this collection of moments asks for direct focus. Tune into your instincts and allow your natural primal energy to pulse through you.
Feed it with adventure.
Get outside and move your body. Sweat and play, push yourself into the new, and feel the ecstatic freedom of velocity.
This is your chance to self-actualize. To become what you love.
Being the authentic pioneer of your own path creates vibrant self-esteem.
Use it to push life forward, push yourself out into the world with natural self-expression. To take the next right action and watch the manifestations turn into form.
When you listen to yourself you develop astute integrity. Emanating this self-trust will naturally position you as a leader because others will feel this congruence and want to be part of whatever you are up to.
The Arian warrior leads and loves with fervor and loyalty.
Never conceding, this energy will allow you to get up again and again and keep going. Using the mind as a filter, Aries energy has no space for non-essentials.
It’s this clear sight that allows for quick progress to be made.
Blazing a new path requires enormous energy and courage, Aries season will give us this fire.
The enthusiasm and bravery to conquer uncharted territories is here for us all.
Moon Cycle & the polarity balance
Aries season brings us a beautiful new beginning (new moon) in its sign. There will also be a release (full moon) in the sign of Libra.
This juxtaposition brings balance to your system if allowed, by exercising the polarity aspects of the opposing signs.
New moon energy: Self Initiation
Let your spirit be amped-up by this jump start under the Aries new moon.
The dynamic life force of Aries has the power to blast forward with a singular focus. This incredible fiery energy will initiate the new beginning you’ve been preparing for in your life.
Lean into the challenge, embrace the responsibility, and you will thrive.
Commit to your self-initiation and with the clarity of the Aries mind take action on the steps to achieve your mission. Self-doubt and procrastination (ie. self doubt) have no place here.
Quite literally, the time is NOW.
You have everything you need inside of you to go forward without reservation.
One of the most charming characteristics of the Aries energy is that its not weighed down with what-if’s and how to’s. Riding the current of momentum provides the confidence to figure things out along the way.
Full moon energy: “I is also a WE”
The full moon in Libra will come in just as you are knee-deep in pioneering your new direction and remind you that you never truly exist in isolation.
A sacred pause will occur.
With the speed of the Aries energy this could feel very contradicting, but welcome it.
Libra will ask you to consider how your mission is inclusive and considerate of the needs of others. While all this direct exploration and application of self feels very accelerating, your leadership was initiated by love and it’s important to honor your community as you go.
Under the sign of relationships, the full moon in Libra will ask you to release any themes of choosing self over others.
When your community feels acknowledged and cared for they will happily show up to help accomplish the Arian directive. There is nothing more intoxicating than a faithful leader who elevates dedication by way of true compassion for those they lead.
When in alignment with self, and considering others, your mission becomes unstoppable. This is your chance to merge the two important themes.
Body Correlation
Aires rules the head, including the face, brain, and eyes.
The cardinal force awakens your insight, the path is seen clearly.
Headfirst the Ram charges forward into life.
All this top heavy energy can create enormous pressure. The muscles of the face can hold a lot of tension from being so intensely focused.
To alleviate this pressure on the head, face, and brain the Aries way is to go get physical. Nothing will get you out of your head and into your body like a strenuous workout. The more daring and agile the better.
When you are pushing your body to the max all your energy mental and otherwise is directed at performing that challenging task with precision. This is heaven to the Aries energy.
The pressure is off because this immediate goal doesn’t have some enormous mission, it is just channeling that raw enthusiasm for action through the cells of your body.
The Aries energy feels like it will never run out, a self-regenating resource. And this is how it is possible, because when the body is strong it has the capacity to carry a strong and clear mind.
The relationship between the two is essential.
So link up with your favorite adventure buddy and go push yourself in a fun athletic activity that will leave you exhausted and exhiliarated.
Make a commitment to your body to get out there and push it to the limits, and then some during Aries season.
Clear your mind each time you push your body and regain the ability to connect to your impulse.
The herbs for Aries season are invigorating, they will stir up your internal fire and get your systems mission ready.
First we have: Ginger
Ginger embodies the feisty energy of Aries.
This powerful root stimulates the body into action by creating a warmth that inspires movement of the circulatory system. The smell of Ginger instantly energizes awakening the senses with a surge of freshness.
It clears out lingering colds and damp conditions. And is the best remedy to counter indigestion and nausea.
Use Ginger to harness the Mars energy and get things moving in the right direction.
Ginger is a punchy powerhouse, get some in your body on the regular and especially during Aries’ tour de sun with this enjoyable ritual: Make Yogi Tea!
Yogi Tea is a super blood cleanser and does all kinds of magical things to your body.
It is also very helpful when you are getting up during those ambrosia hours to do your morning practice (you are getting up, right?). A cold sip of this artfully crafted tea is the gentle jolt the body needs to get moving in the morning (or any other time you need a boost).
Here’s the Recipe:
Get a big ol’ pot of water boiling (4-5 quarts)
Prepare Ingredients and add to the Pot:
Thinly slice a 2-inch chunk of fresh ginger, skin intact
2-3 Cinnamon sticks
1 Tbsp Whole Black Peppercorn
1 Tbsp Whole Cloves
Pour a 2-inch circle of Cardamon pods out onto your cutting board, pierce a tiny slit in each pod
Bring to a boil, Reduce to a Simmer, and Cover (the longer you let it sit the more flavorable it will become)
Add 1 Tbsp of Black Tea (depending on your caffeine tolerance, you can adjust this more or less)
Continue to steep for 20 mins - 1 hour
Strain tea into pitcher & place in the fridge
Enjoy a glass with a bit of coconut milk (helps the stomach absorb the spices)
Let the senses be tantalized with the motivating zest of Ginger, the perfect herb to nourish our Arian adventures.
Next Up: Eucalyptus
Remove brain fog and invigorate your mind with Eucalyptus.
Its superior clearing energy is perfect for balancing all the heady Aries energy. Soothing the mind, it will provide stress relief.
Eucalyptus will encourage focus, improving brain function. Relaxing the facial muscles and reducing pressure on the sinuses it will provide relief from migraines and sinus headaches.
How can you bring the healing force of Eucalyptus into your life during Aries Season?
Grab a bottle of Eucalyptus essential oil and use it liberally throughout your day:
Infuse the magic of this helpful herb right into your morning shower. Splash 5-10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil on the shower walls and then enjoy each inhale of the healing vapors.
Diffuse 5 drops near your desk if you feel bogged down with too many thoughts circling while working on your mega-game-changer solutions.
Dilute a few drops with almond oil (or your favorite carrier oil) and massage it gently into your temples to stop a headache in its tracks.
Rock magic: Tigers Eye
Intense inner strength.
The power of the Aries warrior lies in the ability to tap into oneself and perform dynamic action.
To forge ahead of where we haven’t been before, building the path by instinct and the willingness to move requires constant self-reliance and unshakeable confidence.
Tigers Eye will anchor this strength in self, making it concrete and readily available to the Aries mind.
This allows the downloads of next right action to be quick and efficient. Making a firm decision quickly preserves Aries’ mental fortitude to take stock and lead purposefully without becoming bogged down by the famous Libran Achilles heal - decision fatigue.
Wear this majestic stone around your neck and feel it amplify your connection to your center, become solid in your self-initiative.
Aries season brings us the gift of raw life force energy.
This is the most creative force on the planet and it is responsible for all new beginnings.
We have the most beautiful opportunity to be born again as we enter into the start of the Zodiac Cycle. What we begin now in Aries season defines what we will experience as we take another ride around the wheel of time. It will stay with us throughout the whole cycle, further manifesting as we go.
Connecting to the innermost I AM presence of Aries, our inherent essence shines the light on the path forward, the one that is best for us.
The way of the warrior is to receive an impulse from a clear mind and then take action immediately. Using this brilliance to care for all pulls the Aries energy into the chest and lets the warrior lead from the heart.
Blaze your path with grand intention and watch as the universe rises up to meet you at every bend, break, and impasse.
Key Takeaways to INTIATE with the Sun in ARIES:
Journal Prompt:
Does an Aries have time to journal? Perhaps, but let’s honor this courageous energy by taping into our instincts.
Ask yourself this powerful question:
When an instinct or idea rushes into your body, what do you do with it?
Now put away your journal for the answer and instead take action. Whatever came in, start it right now. Don’t question the how/what/why/when, just begin following the impulse with a tiny step.
See where things can go when you don’t overthink their beginning, and just align with the impulse to confidently usher it into existence.
Excited for the journey?
Where are the new beginnings coming in on your journey?
Leave a comment below
Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional and nothing in this blog post should substitute for medical advice. When deciding to put any herb or medicine in your body it should be a personal decision informed by your research, medical advice you trust, and your body’s intuition.
A student of astrology, the yogic sciences, herbalism, and human life on planet earth, I gather my information from a variety of sources. The biggest being what I’m traversing personally, and downloading in my intuitive personal connection to source. I do have many professional influences as well. I will list the astrologers, herbalists, books, and any other pertinent sources below:
Juliana McCarthy, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology
Tashi Powers, Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology
RAMA Yoga Institute, Astrology with Guru Jagat, Teg Prekash, and many other teachers
Some of the links in the blog post & Sources list above are affiliate links, which means if you click and make a purchase TERRA ETHOS will receive a small commission.
Kelly Johns
Writer + Artist + Yogi on a mission to inspire & uplift.