Welcome to Taurus Season
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Taurus Season is here!
This article is the fifth in the series: Vibrate the Cosmos, where we’ll dive into the archetypal energies of each of the 12 zodiac signs and learn how to make the most out of their tour de sun.
Want the primer? Read the introduction to the series.
The 2nd sign of the zodiac, the bull, and the sign that plants the roots of our manifesting prowess.
Official Season: April 20 - May 21
The Archetypal Energies of Taurus
We’ve come to planet Earth.
We’ve been gifted these magnificent human bodies.
Around us are the most incredible tactile sensations. In each moment we have access to curious sounds, interesting smells, molecule bonding skin touching, and delightfully intricate visual compositions.
It’s almost as if this physical plane was created as a world exclusively for us to enjoy.
To relish in the push/pull of gravity and polarity.
To experience unlimited creative potential.
To drip exquisite sensuality with one facet of our bodies and be able to process tremendous grief with another.
To allow ourselves the experience of tangible feeling. To exist in a realm where there are consequences, choices, and freedom of the will. A palpable interconnectedness to all that we are and all that is around us as a biological and spiritual convergence. Energy is brought into form. Conducted by our presence.
This is the energy of Taurus.
Ruled by Venus, Taurus is the energy of taking up a meaningful residence in the human body. The physical body belongs to a physical place, this Earth. With that comes great responsibility and great pleasure.
There is a domestic, yet equally majestic, quality to the Taurus energy of being rooted in reality.
Taurus wants us to take inventory of our material possessions, our place of living, our work/life balance, and sit with the question “Is this providing comfort for my growth?”.
We all know that burnout is a non-productive state, and Taurus will tolerate nothing of the sort. This type of chaotic energy belongs to an unbalanced nervous system.
Taurus wants us to deeply understand that the exquisite enjoyment of our life is what nourishes us deeply. When our daily surroundings and habits are a regenerative retreat for the mind, body, and soul, all things are possible.
Relaxation is the state that produces pleasure in the body, allowing the gooiest of delightful sensations to surface and be felt. There is nothing more healing than the frequency of satisfaction coursing through your cells.
As Abraham Hicks says, feeling satisfied is the moment your boat can turn downstream.
When momentum can shift from resisting your desires to being carried by the current of the universe you are in a powerful position to align with all you feel is meant for your life. This is why the present moment is so coveted and so elusive feeling.
Taurus wants us to take this process of allowing our body to be in full enjoyment, and to inherently understand that this is the most productive thing you can do.
What kind of decisions do you make when you are rested, when you feel loved, and when you feel good around your family, friends, and the people you work with? And furthermore, when you are nourished by fresh food that feels incredible to eat, meaningful sex with a person you love, and a home that you walk into and feel an automatic exhale in the promise of comfort?
That is the possibility of alignment.
When our desire and belief are going in the same direction, we exist in the most powerful state of manifestation there is: expectancy. We know we are worth our desires, we treat ourselves with unconditional love. We allow ourselves to be in joy and we expect that the things we want are on their way to us. We are present for the pleasure of the journey.
When you study how to get in touch with your higher self, all methods involve finding stillness and allowing the connection to yourself and the Earth to come forth.
The energy of Taurus, a receptive Earth sign, can help us do just that. It tells us to prioritize slowing down, nourish our bodies, and connect to the softer states of being that are accessed when we are comfortable. When we sink into the present we become aware that there is immense guidance in listening and observing.
This superpower will help you cultivate the new beginnings of Aries season and start to ground them into steady manifested form. This is the most important time of the year for creating prosperity.
Yogi Bhajan referred to Taurus season as the money-minting time of year.
To build a foundation on Mother Earth, when the energy of Taurus is supporting us, requires us to get clear about what our vision of comfort is.
Productive and steadfast, Taurus is interested in securing our vision of material well-being. When we are clear on our desire and are enjoying the expectancy that it is coming, we are in alignment with our manifestation.
At home in Venus, now is the time to have this prosperity come in.
We hone in this vision by an honest reflection on our purpose and values. Taurus asks us to unapologetically look at our wealth, gain, and accomplishment. These are the things we are all looking for, a sense of satisfaction with how much wealth we have.
When we are in touch with how much we are bringing in, how much we can hold, and how sustainable that feels we can create the bedrock for our desires.
Intentions and words are the rain and sunshine that facilitate the growth of our manifestations in this fertile time.
Spend time diving into the feeling of your desires and get acquainted with the essence it would add to your life. Don’t wait until it gets here, feel that essence everywhere and it will be magnetized to your experience.
Taurus is very sensual, requiring a certain luxury from the material realm. If you are calling in more abundance, feel into where is it already flowing in your life. Perhaps your bedroom is a peaceful sanctuary that you delight in curling up in come nightfall?
Expand that feeling.
Think about why it is so comfortable. The perfectly balanced colors you chose to decorate your space, the feel of your favorite sheets and plush pillow, the soothing darkness and pin-drop quiet that comes to hold you as the sun spills into the Earth for the night.
Under the Taurus sky command the elements to create things that expand this feeling into other realms of your physicality.
Manifest quality.
Ask yourself, what is your experience of richness? You’ve looked at your surroundings, and now turn the mirror inward; where are your intrinsic sources of wealth?
What can you do to expand these attributes to make you feel like you are moving in a prosperous direction?
Taurus season asks us to identify our talents, our unique gifts, and tap into how we can capitalize on them to develop self-sufficiency. By learning to take care of ourselves we are able to break down any limiting beliefs that the Earth experience we truly desire is unattainable.
When we come into alignment with our character, ethos, and values we create powerful self-reliance. And when we show up for ourselves, we trust our ability to hone our talents and provide for ourselves and those we care about.
Anchoring this self-esteem into your being allows you to operate at a more elevated frequency.
Now that we’ve established our internal alignment, we can bring this self-respect into our partnerships, relationships, and projects to drastically support our co-creative financial endeavors.
Taurus Season Moon Cycle: the polarity balance
Taurus season brings us a beautiful new beginning (new moon) in its sign. There will also be a release (full moon) in the sign of Scorpio.
This juxtaposition brings balance to your system if allowed, by exercising the polarity aspects of the opposing signs.
New moon energy: Most Potent new moon for manifesting of the whole year
Look around you.
Really see what is beautiful to you and what is invigorating to your senses.
Tune into the essence of these things that ground you into the enjoyment of your life. Now plan for them and get into the expectancy frequency.
Make a vision board and put it somewhere you will see it every day, if not multiple times a day.
Do some mind mapping.
Get out your journal and start describing in detail what you are calling in. Plan for your success, because you are creating it now.
Think of your material visceral wealth. The wealth you can hold. What does your sensory experience of this look and feel like?
Get crystal clear.
Use the new moon to create your dream energetically.
Full moon energy: Let Go of What Doesn’t Expand You
The full moon falls in Taurus’ opposite sign, Scorpio. Representing the spiritual, deeper sense of wealth, Scorpio wants you to connect to the wealth that feeds your soul.
This requires a steadfast observation of self.
Reaching your own spirit will put you in touch with the answers to your most ruminating questions. This is about what lights you up. Go beyond the superficial fixation on material things. The undeniable energy of your higher self will point you to the things that will accelerate and enhance your earthly experience.
Use the power of this potent full moon to make a sobering assessment of the sources of wealth and sustenance in your life.
Does this expand me?
If not, it’s time to let it go.
Freeing up that space gives you the room to call in all the things that are truly growth contributing in nature.
Body Correlation for Taurus
Taurus rules a very important part of the body for embodying your personal enjoyment: the vocal chords.
This is your invitation to tap into your animal body.
With those vocal chords you are able to make the most harmonious frequencies, sound is vibration.
Vibration is the operating force of creation.
What are you creating with your words? How do you talk to yourself? How do you ask for what you want, speak your boundaries, and announce your presence?
What is your unique sound? Taurus season is an opportunity to listen to yourself from a new space. Does the way you speak match the currents in your heart?
Do your words create or destruct? Uplift or confuse?
Taurus energy wants us to understand that our words are vibrations, they are creating our reality. If there is less harmony than you are desiring in your life where can your sound and words use some fine-tuning?
Less flow and action than you want?
Maybe you are holding back from sharing your words and its time to speak up.
Pushing people away?
Look at the words you choose to speak to others and the intentions behind them. Are you harsh and aggressive? It’s time to soften and speak from your heart.
One of the most powerful ways to get more acquainted with how sound can transport you to a higher (or lower) vibration is through the use of a mantra. As a yogi, this discovery has created such an impact on my life. Chanting mantras goes above the mental mind and elevates your frequency by installing the mantra’s frequency into your aura.
Even just listening to a mantra will transport you quickly to a higher dimension.
Here’s a beautiful mantra by White Sun I love to play; it provides instant healing and cleansing within. It’s called: Basant Ki Var
Take some time to really listen this Taurus season, listening isn’t just an external examination, listen to yourself and see if you like what you hear.
Herbs of Taurus
The herbs of Taurus are many, all exquisite and divine. There’s one so special and rich with history that it takes the cake.
Rose is one of the most iconic plants in our sphere, unmistakable to even the novice plant lover.
Their flowers enchant us with their delicate composition, magnificent layers, and vibrant colors. Roses demand the full experience of those who encounter them. Their fragrance has a calming, sweet essence that gently permeates the nose.
Not only are roses a symbol of beauty throughout the ages, they actually promote healthy aging and preserve the elasticity of the skin due to their high volume of antioxidants. Fighting cell damage and smelling irresistible, it’s no wonder roses are a treasured herb.
To get these super skin-beautifying benefits indulge in some rosewater.
This ancient elixir is used to hydrate the skin, tone the pores, and balance the pH of your face. You can make rosewater by gently boiling the petals.
Roses remind you of the beauty in something so unique in its own skin.
Bring these heart-opening flowers into your life to enhance the Taurus directive to care for our physical bodies in ways that delight us.
Crystals for Taurus Season
Rock magic: Malachite
Malachite is a gemstone that holds a personal sentiment for me. Its vibrant green lines are soothing to the eye.
Pick it up and feel its cleansing energy immediately.
A generous and accepting gemstone, Malachite offers to hold things for you and share in your journey on this Earth. Be together.
I was inspired to a piece of Malachite that I kept with me throughout my pregnancy. I felt such compassion from this stone. I was later told by an intuitive that it would bring me relief from back pain during labor.
Full disclosure, I was not worried about finding a stone during labor, but still, I appreciated knowing that it was in my home and helping me ground my energy through an intense experience.
This is the power of malachite.
To assist us in being in the here and now.
To protect us from negativity and give us the confidence to transition from one stage of our lives to another.
Lucious emerald green like the Earth, this stone will connect us to our Taurus energy by reminding us of our solid strength and that we are steady, ready, and capable of creating our lives.
Under the Taurus sun, we are invited to feel our connection to this Earthly realm, to embrace our time here.
We get to slow down just a bit and infuse the loving energy that having a human body requires.
When we enhance our energy through true enjoyment of our lives we attract practical, sensual experiences.
And then the cycle of harvest is much more rewarding.
Taurus wants us to be conscious about what we are growing and how we are cultivating our desires. We have the chance to really magnetize abundance through self-love and self-pleasure when we amplify the female energy of Venus.
What do you do to appreciate yourself, Taurus asks?
Your body is your connection to this 3D plane. Nourishment is necessary for sustainment. How do you bring your body into a radiant experience?
Let the physical body be informed and move through the senses. Notice what feels soft, relaxing, and opening. When you are open to the flow of the universe, manifestations will bloom unattended while you dance freely in your kitchen.
Sense the richness in your energy field, in your material life, in your body, and how you show up in the world, and amplify it with tact.
Key Takeaways to MANIFEST with the Sun in TAURUS:
Taurus Season Journal Prompt:
What feels exquisite in your life, and if it is not here yet, what do you truly desire to make yourself drip with comfort?
Ask yourself this powerful question:
If I could live in anyway I please what would the 5 most important descriptive qualities of my existence be?
Where are the new beginnings coming in on your journey?
Leave a comment below
Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional and nothing in this blog post should substitute for medical advice. When deciding to put any herb or medicine in your body it should be a personal decision informed by your research, medical advice you trust, and your body’s intuition.
A student of astrology, the yogic sciences, herbalism, and human life on planet earth, I gather my information from a variety of sources. The biggest being what I’m traversing personally, and downloading in my intuitive personal connection to source. I do have many professional influences as well. I will list the astrologers, herbalists, books, and any other pertinent sources below:
Juliana McCarthy, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology
Tashi Powers, Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology
RAMA Yoga Institute, Astrology with Guru Jagat, Teg Prekash, and many other teachers
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Kelly Johns
Writer + Artist + Yogi on a mission to inspire & uplift.